Dear Friend,
We need your Vote!
We were selected to participate in the Members Project- an initiative of American Express and the Take Part Foundation that allows users to share information about their charity, volunteer and donate. Every three months American Express tallies the votes and determines five winning charities that share $1,000,000 in funding. We need your votes to continue our participation and potentially win the American Express Members Project competition!
I'm asking each of you to do the following:
• Please click the below link and vote for the National Urban League:
• Forward the link via email to your friends and family, asking them to vote (You can vote every 7 days.)
• Post the link on your Facebook wall and Tweet the vote link to your followers (
Members of our I Am Empowered community can earn points for these actions
We need your support and your influence to secure votes!!! The current round of voting ends on May 23, 2010 so we must mobilize everyone we know to vote. A gift from American Express will greatly enhance our ability to enhance the phenomenal work you do as we transform America together. Let's show Amex and the world that our supporters are passionate about our mission and proud of our legacy.
VOTE Here!
BE Empowered
Marc H. Morial