Urban League of Greater Cincinnati and partners Easter Seals WRC, Urban Appalachian Council, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College and the University of Cincinnati-GEARUP were awarded the City of Cincinnati's 2011 Summer Youth Employment Contract. This will provide 370 jobs for low income youth between the ages of 14 and 18 residing in the city of Cincinnati. Youth will be provided age appropriate work experiences for 8 weeks during the summer.
Information regarding the application process will be made available April 28, 2011 at the Mayor's Job Fair. Call the Summer Employment Hotline 513-281-9955 extension 303 for times and locations for application pick up and submission. You may also call Lisa McDonald at 513-487-6528 for assistance.
Employment partners are being recruited at this time.
Donna Jones Baker, President and CEO commented "this is an exciting opportunity for the UL and our partners to continue the work of the STRIVE You Can initiative and commitment to developing data driven programming."
"We are looking forward to a Summer Youth Employment Program that will be a positive experience for both our youth and employment partners." says Dorothy Smoot, Vice President of Youth Services.