ale Academy and Woodward Career Technical High School. We provide free tutoring in math and reading, we serve as positive adult role models and we interact with each child on a one-on-one basis. And we provide each student with the opportunity to be a kid--to play games, to be active, and to create through art and other media.
The numbers: In just the last year alone we helped 444 students, providing 1,422 hours of individual tutoring and another 985 hours of group tutoring.
FACT--"Children living in poverty, without financial resources and who are also struggling to read, are less likely to graduate, putting them in “double jeopardy.” For children who were poor for at least one year and not reading on grade level in third grade, more than one-quarter (26 percent) didn’t finish high school – a rate that is six times higher than that for proficient readers" --Annie E. Casey Foundation Study.
The Urban League believes EVERY child is special, and by providing these 444 children with a little EXTRA attention we have the ability to affect a REAL impact on the rest of their lives.
The numbers: In just the last year alone we helped 444 students, providing 1,422 hours of individual tutoring and another 985 hours of group tutoring.
FACT--"Children living in poverty, without financial resources and who are also struggling to read, are less likely to graduate, putting them in “double jeopardy.” For children who were poor for at least one year and not reading on grade level in third grade, more than one-quarter (26 percent) didn’t finish high school – a rate that is six times higher than that for proficient readers" --Annie E. Casey Foundation Study.
The Urban League believes EVERY child is special, and by providing these 444 children with a little EXTRA attention we have the ability to affect a REAL impact on the rest of their lives.